Monday, March 22, 2010


Sorry for this long post, but to be honest with you, I need it to update this blog, and I still have another bunch of pictures that I need to put here. Sorry for the long post, this is just for a journal for the kids, when they can read and see what mom and dad did for fun.

Looked Ethan eating beans!! he loves beand and the has fun playing with it.
Garrett is always trying to help daddy in everything, this time he want it to cut the grass.. Kurt was very careful on doing this. :)


Easter was great for the kids, even for my mom, kenny and Mario!

Garrett and his Easter presents.

Ethan and his Easter prensent.
Hunting for Eggs.

Ethan b-day party in 2009- 1st.

Ethan 1st. B-day Party. How I loved getting ready for this day, Ethan was 1 and the best ever, he was walking by then and he had a blast with the Dot the clown.

My mom is the one that made the cupcakes for us the theme was CLCOWN.
Look my little Ethan he was one in this picture.

Great cup cakes, thanks to my wonderful mom!

Piñata, cake and balloons.

Clown the DOT!!!! She was so much fun!

Ethan love the clown! and all the kids too
My mom also made the piñata-cupcakes
The Cake 1year old for Ethan

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ethan new looking eye!

A guy hit him on the eye on nursery:( accidents happen right?Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


March 5th was my dad's b-day. Dad I wish you can be here with me and been able to see your grandkids. I wish I can hug you, I wish I can hear your voice, I wish I didn't have to feel pain when I have to think about you, I wish I could hug you on your birthdays and everyday. I miss to call you daddy, I miss how we used to play, I miss my chocolate ice-cream every Saturday, I miss when you used to put us on bed and tell us stories, I miss your smile, I miss your advise, I miss your bear hugs and your "Besitos de conejito", DAD I REALLY MISS YOU!!!!!!!!! COME BACK NOW!! :)

For 16 years my dad has been gone, but I still remember his last words to me. My dad was a very smart guy, and the best father ever, friend, husband and son, my dad is my hero and I wish that he would it have to left us so soon, we were so little and hard to understand WHY our dad was not here anymore, if my dad could it be here today he would it be so proud of me I know that he would it be so happy with my two kids and all the success that i have in my life.

Dad Happy Birthday to you!!!!! We love you so much that words can not discribe. Until we meet again dad.

your daughter

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Family pictures-2009

Gary and Sally invited us to a family pictures on Dec. it was fun with a lot of kids.

I am so blessed to belong to this crazy family! honestly look how cute all the grandkids are. Thanks to Gary and Sally for the great idea.