Tuesday, May 18, 2010

First Visit to the Dentist!!

So I took Garrett and Ethan to their first Dentist appointment on 05/06/10 at first I try to brain wash both of them, Ethan his answered was No dentist! and Garrett was "Oh mom it is not going to heart right? I am strong" :) so, when we got there, everything was fine, happy kids, as soon as the nurse call Garrett and Ethan, I start being nervous, Kurt as with his big smile waiting to see how Ethan was reacting, Garrett was first on X-Rays and he did great the whole time, he open his mouth big, he even told the nurse to floss his teeth :) Here is a pictures of Garrett:

Great no cavities, perfetct teeth for right now. that is what the dentist say about Garrett.
Ready to floss his teeth.

Only One picture for Ethan, look at daddy trying to help the dentist, Oh Ethan start screaming like no other, he didn't want to open his mouth at all, he bite the doctor, so, Kurt to the rescue! holding hands and doctor putting something in his mouth (a torture), then the doctor asked me, does he drinks from a bottle, I knew he will ask this question, so like a week before coming to the dentist i prepare my self by NO MORE BOTTLES to Ethan, yes he had a hard time but now he is fine, so, very proud to my answer i say NO he doesn't drink from a bottle any more, and he said good. Next question about Ethan was, does he use a Pinky here I got nervous on my answer, and I say YES, he look at me and he said NO MORE BINKY he doesn't have any cavities but he doesn't have a streight bite, which he said I need to through that pinky away :(
Ethan heard that part and he very firm in his answer told the dentist MINE BINKY and he start crying the dentist just laugh and say Ethan you are old enough now to through that binky away ok, Ethan reply was "NO" and cross his arms, we were laughing. So now I have 6 month before his next appointment, this will be a challange for me...